Archives: Testimonials

Monster Inside Tackles A Complex Challenge

Though it is the story of just one woman, The Monster Inside is actually the story of all women who are thrust into a daily battle with themselves at the hands of predators. It is a must read not just for anyone who is trying to navigate their own battle with the results of sexual View Full →

I was mortified. I laughed out loud.

If I tell you my secret, you will never see me the same.” In the thousands, literally thousands of people I’ve met on the planet, Eva is one of the few I have been repeatedly drawn to partially due to her ability to distill then creatively and intelligently articulate a situation. I have been often View Full →

I think that we men need to learn… and learn a lot.

Reading a story like this is not easy or even altogether pleasant.  I saw enough pain when I was in the military serving overseas.  I did not want to see more and I certainly did not want to join a crusade of any sort.  However, as we get past our reflexive distaste of the fire View Full →