Release your resilient spirit.

Eva V at NCL

A community created by survivor
Eva Casey Velasquez

I created This Is Resilience for anyone seeking support, encouragement and comfort as they face their own personal monsters. Victims, as well as their friends and family, are welcome in this brave space. I share my story about sexual and physical abuse in an effort to inspire and support others. Trauma, like resilience, comes in many forms. Join me and shed your secrets and your shame. Speak the unspeakable to release your resilient spirit. I offer my support and advice on how to deal with these sensitive topics and navigate the journey to self acceptance and how to support a loved one on their journey. Eva C. Velasquez

Eva is the author of The Monster Inside, a memoir about her own personal story of resilience after sexual and physical abuse from those who were supposed to protect her. While writing the memoir she realized that a brave space for victims and their supporters did not exist to help her, so she created the place she was looking for. [ LEARN MORE ]

Eva is the author of The Monster Inside, a memoir about her own personal story of resilience after sexual and physical abuse from those who were supposed to protect her. While writing the memoir she realized that a brave space for victims and their supporters did not exist to help her, so she created the place she was looking for. 

Announcing the Unspeakable Podcast

Our new podcast, Unspeakable, will discuss those things that don’t always have the space to be openly shared.

This podcast will feature guest speakers coming from all walks of life – sharing stories of RESILIENCY, strength, determination, and the freedom to discuss topics that we shy away from discussing due to fear, embarrassment, shame or simply because we have deemed them socially unacceptable to discuss openly.  Register for episode releases!

Eva Casey Velasquez

Public Speaker, Author, Advocate

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The Monster Inside.

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Monster Inside Tackles A Complex Challenge

Though it is the story of just one woman, The Monster Inside is actually the story of all women who are thrust into a daily battle with themselves at the hands of predators. It is a must read not just for anyone who is trying to navigate their own battle with the results of sexual violence, but for anyone who cares for someone who has such experiences.

Dr. Nikki Junker, Gender, Child and Human Rights Advisor


Dr. Nikki Junker, Gender, Child and Human Rights Advisor

Though it is the story of just one woman, The Monster Inside is actually the story of all women who are thrust into a daily battle with themselves at the hands of predators. It is a must read not just for anyone who is trying to navigate their own battle with the results of sexual violence, but for anyone who cares for someone who has such experiences.

I think that we men need to learn… and learn a lot.

Reading a story like this is not easy or even altogether pleasant.  I saw enough pain when I was in the military serving overseas.  I did not want to see more and I certainly did not want to join a crusade of any sort.  However, as we get past our reflexive distaste of the fire and fury of the “Me Too” movement, we should take some time to look into what caused all these people to get that angry.  This book is just one of the many stories of betrayal and willful ignorance that justify that level of rage.  So, while you may not be a victimizer of any sort, do you have the courage to stand up to one you know?  Can problems of this nature be solved by turning away?  I think that we men need to learn… and learn a lot.  So put down your sports page, grab a scotch, hug your daughters, and read this book.

Matthew Donahue


Matthew Donahue

Reading a story like this is not easy or even altogether pleasant.  I saw enough pain when I was in the military serving overseas.  I did not want to see more and I certainly did not want to join a crusade of any sort.  However, as we get past our reflexive distaste of the fire and fury of the “Me Too” movement, we should take some time to look into what caused all these people to get that angry.  This book is just one of the many stories of betrayal and willful ignorance that justify that level of rage.  So, while you may not be a victimizer of any sort, do you have the courage to stand up to one you know?  Can problems of this nature be solved by turning away?  I think that we men need to learn… and learn a lot.  So put down your sports page, grab a scotch, hug your daughters, and read this book.

I was mortified. I laughed out loud.

If I tell you my secret, you will never see me the same.” In the thousands, literally thousands of people I’ve met on the planet, Eva is one of the few I have been repeatedly drawn to partially due to her ability to distill then creatively and intelligently articulate a situation. I have been often taken aback by the dichotomy between her brazen self-confidence and some crazy-weird-uncomfortable insecurity with which we play whack-a-mole.  While my middle-class upbringing was very different, I relate to her even more through her story. I was mortified. I laughed out loud. I cringed. I don’t see her the same. I couldn’t love her more. Bravo, my friend. (Bravo origin: brave, bold...)

Sheryl Reichert


Sheryl Reichert

If I tell you my secret, you will never see me the same.” In the thousands, literally thousands of people I’ve met on the planet, Eva is one of the few I have been repeatedly drawn to partially due to her ability to distill then creatively and intelligently articulate a situation. I have been often taken aback by the dichotomy between her brazen self-confidence and some crazy-weird-uncomfortable insecurity with which we play whack-a-mole.  While my middle-class upbringing was very different, I relate to her even more through her story. I was mortified. I laughed out loud. I cringed. I don’t see her the same. I couldn’t love her more. Bravo, my friend. (Bravo origin: brave, bold...)

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